samedi 5 mars 2011

Si yo fuera mujer/Si j’étais une femme/If I were a woman

"Si j’étais une femme, je serais athée..."

Thus wrote Ahmed Riza, back in 1909, when he was a refugee in Paris before returning to his native Turkey to lead the Young Turkish revolution that gave birth to modern day Turkey. A devout Muslim, Riza was aware that faith should translate into real freedom and empowerment to women, lest atheism would present itself as a way more valuable alternative.

Like traditional, cathedral-bound, and male-centered Christianity, Islam (and Orthodox Judaism, and Hinduism, etc.) is "une religion qui impose des lois constamment au profit des hommes, mais dangereuses pour les femmes..." Riza's words can be applied to virtually every arrangement that men have historically articulated in order to manage the divine/humane circuit.

However, were it not for the rebel women that are present in almost every founding myth (Eve in the Bible, Yogarani in Buddhism, to name a few), humankind would be an inhospitable place for God to come and plant his/her tent pegs, and for life to be a joyful party.

(Selection, footing and interpretation: questionable; yet those are facts that cannot be denied / Se puede cuestionar la seleccion e interpretacion de los hechos, pero no su veracidad)

Las palabras que Ahmed Riza escribió en 1909 pueden y deben aplicarse a todos los andamiajes que los hombres se han inventado para administrar el circuito divino/humano. Con él, yo digo igualmente que de haber sido mujer yo seria atea.

Sin embargo,si no fuera por las rebeldes que pueblan casi todos los mitos fundantes (Eva en la Biblia, Yogarani en el budismo, para hablar solamente de dos), la humanidad no seria un suelo propicio para que Dios viniera a plantar su rancho, ni la vida seria una fiesta de celebración.

Marzo 8: Dia Internacional de la Mujer. Aniversario No. 100
March 8: International Women's Day. 100th Anniversary
Mars 8: Journée internationale de la femme. Anniversaire 100

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