This blog wants to enter into this landmine infested territory. I know... I'm just a couple of two pairs of millennia late, but, hey! I'm not even a century old, and I wasn't even blogging when Jesus Christ reportedly said once: "The poor, they will always be in your midst."
Anyway, here we go. Let me start by mentioning something most of you must be already familiar with. From Ireland comes a recent and quite original definition of poverty. I read it on the Canadian magazine, Macleans (for the whole thing, just click here:
"The Irish government recently unveiled a new official definition of
poverty — what it calls "consistent poverty." Determining exactly who is and
isn't poor involves a two-stage process determined by random household surveys.
To be considered poor you must, first of all, earn less than 60 per cent of the
median income. Then you're measured against a list of 11 standardized
necessities, including: a warm waterproof overcoat, "two pairs of strong shoes,"
meals with meat, chicken or fish (or vegetarian substitute) at least every
second day, "a roast joint or its equivalent once a week," a warm house and the
wherewithal to buy presents for family members once a year, have guests over for
a drink once a month, and a night out every two weeks. Lack any two of the 11
necessities on the list, and you're officially poor. "
I never knew how poor I was! Anyone care for a pint of Guinnes?
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