mercredi 26 mars 2008

Having too little?

Having too little renders you poor, right? It might be that there is not enough money to pay the bills, to treat yourself to a balanced diet or to go out partying like crazy every weekend. It hasn't been easy to come with a clearly spelled out list of what makes you poor.

This blog wants to enter into this landmine infested territory. I know... I'm just a couple of two pairs of millennia late, but, hey! I'm not even a century old, and I wasn't even blogging when Jesus Christ reportedly said once: "The poor, they will always be in your midst."

Anyway, here we go. Let me start by mentioning something most of you must be already familiar with. From Ireland comes a recent and quite original definition of poverty. I read it on the Canadian magazine, Macleans (for the whole thing, just click here:

"The Irish government recently unveiled a new official definition of
poverty — what it calls "consistent poverty." Determining exactly who is and
isn't poor involves a two-stage process determined by random household surveys.
To be considered poor you must, first of all, earn less than 60 per cent of the
median income. Then you're measured against a list of 11 standardized
necessities, including: a warm waterproof overcoat, "two pairs of strong shoes,"
meals with meat, chicken or fish (or vegetarian substitute) at least every
second day, "a roast joint or its equivalent once a week," a warm house and the
wherewithal to buy presents for family members once a year, have guests over for
a drink once a month, and a night out every two weeks. Lack any two of the 11
necessities on the list, and you're officially poor. "

I never knew how poor I was! Anyone care for a pint of Guinnes?

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