vendredi 9 octobre 2009

Obama: Nobel Peace Prize 2009!

The moment it really sunk in.

Friday, October 09, 2009
"Honey, Wake Up! You've Won the Nobel Prize!"
by Jone Shore (

[Scene: early morning. Bedroom o' the Obamas.]
Michelle: [gently shaking Barack] Honey. Honey. Barack. Wake up.
Barack: [talking in his sleep] We're bombing the moon?
Michelle: Baby. Get up. Wake up.
Barack: Huh? Wha--? What's up? Are the kids okay?
Michelle: The kids are fine. Pumski, listen to me. You've won the Nobel Prize.
Barack: [pause] What?
Michelle: You won the Nobel Prize.
Barack: [pause] What?
Michelle: I'm tellin' you. They just announced it.
Barack: Are you kidding? Is this you being funny?
Michelle: No. I'm serious. You've won the Nobel Prize!
Barack: Why would I win the Nobel Prize?
Michelle: Do I look Swedish to you? All I know is you won.
Barack: I won the Nobel Prize.
Michelle: That's right.
Barack: There's got to be some mistake.
Michelle: There isn't.
Barack: Maybe I won it for chemistry?
Michelle: Yeah, they gave the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to a guy who can't make instant oatmeal.
Barack: You're telling me that I've won the Nobel Peace Prize. Me.
Michelle: That's the headline for the day.
Barack: And it's not some nonsense cooked up by Fox. Glenn Beck does look awfully Swedish, you know.
Michelle: It's not Fox, baby. It's real. You're the new Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Barack: But how ...? I mean ... is it possible the Nobel Prize people just don't read the papers? Do do they not know about Iraq and Afghanistan?
Michelle: And Guantanamo?
Barack: Yeah, and Guan---wait a minute. Whose side are you on?
Michelle: [kissing him] It's not about what you've yet to do, baby. It's about what you've done thus far.
Barack: I am a pretty peaceful guy.
Michelle: You are. And you're very noble.
Barack: And they did give it to Kissinger.
Michelle: There you go.
Barack: Does the prize come with a crown?
Michelle: I don't think so.
Barack: I'd look good in a crown.
Michelle: You'd look good in a suit and tie. C'mon now. The press is waiting.
Barack: Are you sure the Nobel Peace Prize doesn't come with a crown? I'm pretty sure it does. Can you find that out for me?
Michelle: Will you stop?
Barack: I'm telling you. I'm gonna end up wearin' a crown. And I mean wearing it all the time, too.
Michelle: You think so, huh?
Barack: You just watch. It's only a matter of time.

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